the leaves breathe project

The Leaves Breathe will consider the urban tree as significant. While considering the impact of the urban tree on our lives Corrie will work with community and engage collaboratively with a vocal artist to produce a progressive site specific performance installation in 2010.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the leaves breathe

The Leaves Breathe investigates the urban tree and considers a social-ecological perspective* that recognizes complex interactions as a central component for the wellbeing of trees.
This perspective focuses on towns as urban ecosystems and dynamic environments in which the flora and fauna are a direct result of the human influence.
How important to towns and town dwellers is the urban tree?
How important in the town context is the tree linked to our wellbeing?

* social-ecological perspective is a framework to examine the multiple effects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environment. Social ecology is the study of people in an environment and the influences on one another.

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Corrie’s project called Leaves Breathe is a Tree Line lead artist initiative. Tree Line is a people art science nature project conducted by the Sunshine Regional Gallery and Sunshine Coast Council. Tree Line program is dedicated to highlighting the significance of trees on the Sunshine Coast.